The Planetary Health Check

We are pleased to be partnering with the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and other partners such as the Global Commons Alliance (GCA) to share the first Planetary Health Check.

You can explore the Planetary Health Check report and the website here:

The most important action we can all take is to commit to “Be a Guardian” of this great Planet we are fortunate to call home.

This means considering a whole Earth approach in all we do – from the products we select, to the food we eat, to how we fertilise our gardens and lawns, to which leaders we support, and to how we operate our businesses and farm the land.  To get ourselves back to a safe operating place for the Planet, we need to consider all our decisions through the lens of, “is this right for the Planet and ultimately humanity?” since we will not survive without a healthy planet.

Download the Planetary Health Check press release:

Here are some things you can do today to learn more and take action:

Check out the Planetary Health Check to better understand the gravity of the science.

Join one of the incredible movements – such as our partner Project Dandelion, Mission 2025, Fridays for Future.

Make planet smart purchasing decisions.

Go to the solutions page of the Planetary Health Check.

Vote for the leaders who are making courageous decisions on behalf of people and the planet – here is one way you can support this.

Learn more about the challenges and the solutions in these resources:

Systemiq’s Opportunity and Risk tools for companies:

Planetary Health Alliance to understand how human health is connected to planetary health:

EarthHQ and Mongabay for the latest information on what’s happening with the planet: