The Planetary Boundary Health Check:
Science for a Safe Planet
Our Planet is Reaching its Limit
We are putting the stability of the entire planet at risk. Nothing less than a global sustainability transformation is required to ensure health for people and nature on a stable and resilient planet. We can't solve one crisis without addressing the entire system.
Planetary Boundaries – Earth’s Vital Signs
Planetary Boundaries represent the systems that keep the planet in a healthy state at a safe distance from critical thresholds.
Six of the nine Planetary Boundaries have already been breached, exposing humanity to the risk of irreversible and catastrophic environmental damage—from 10-meter sea level rise and dire freshwater shortages to the potential collapse of invaluable ecosystems, including coral reefs and the vast Amazon.
We must now recognize the need to be stewards of the entire planet. A Planetary Boundary measurement framework, with clearly-defined, politically-relevant metrics and budgets, is the north star for humanity’s future.
Scientific Challenges
Interconnected Complexities: Despite scientific progress, our grasp of the interactions of Earth's major components remains fragmented.
Lagging Assessments: As it stands, health checks for planet Earth are performed every 6–8 years, leaving decision-makers with outdated data, based on outdated science. Effective intervention requires rigorous and up-to-date analysis.
Our Solution: The Planetary Boundary Health Check
The Potsdam Institute (PIK), the Earth Commission and Future Earth, together with a global network of partners, are collaborating to produce an annual Planetary Boundary Health Check (PBHC) using state-of-the-art science, computing, and Earth observations as a basis for returning to a safe and stable planet. The PBHC will address the fundamental scientific aspects underpinning planetary health and sustainability. The inaugural PBHC report and an interactive dashboard will be unveiled in September of 2024. It will deepen our understanding of Earth's limits through rigorous research and advanced methodologies and devise and communicate strategies for maintaining the balance between human prosperity and the planet's ecological integrity. The PBHC aims to identify a comprehensive strategy for navigating the complexities of the Anthropocene, ensuring that our collective actions are informed by the best available science and are directed towards a resilient and equitable future for all.
The Planetary Boundary Science Initiative at a glance
Core scientific priorities
Monitor status of all Planetary Boundaries
Develop state-of-the-art computational models to model changes, interactions, and risks
Identify thresholds of irreversible harm
Measure & strengthen Earth's ability to withstand pressure
Capture comprehensive data on the state of the Earth system for scientific analysis
Design pathways back to Earth's safe operating space
5-Year Roadmap
Rapidly actionable, with annual Planetary Boundary Health Checks from year two.
The Global PB Hub
A nexus for synthesis and coordination, ensuring synergy and maximum output from specialist scientific teams.
100+ Scientists from the Global North & South
Championed by Johan Rockström (Time 100,
2023), the initiative collects top talents from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and Future Earth.
Powerful Messaging
Translating technical findings into relatable, informative narratives. The online dashboard will magnify our findings, urging global action.
Today, the Earth is at a crossroads
Beyond decarbonization, protecting biodiversity, soil, water, and ecological health is equally vital. Climate solutions must be whole-Earth solutions, respecting all Planetary Boundaries.
Decisive, informed, and urgent action is essential to stave off irreversible damage and ensure the sustainability of our planet.